Can “Made in China” Become a Beacon of Sustainability?

Can “Made in China” Become a Beacon of Sustainability?

Christina Kefala published an online article on SAPIENS with title: "Can “Made in China” Become a Beacon of Sustainability? on June 11, 2024. 

The CHINAWHITE team is recruiting a new postdoc in 2023

The CHINAWHITE research project, which is based in the anthropology department at the University of Amsterdam  is recruiting a new postdoc in 2023. We are looking for someone with expertise on race, racism, migration, immigration policy, gender and transnational intimacy, whiteness studies in the context of the Global South. The end date of application is January 31, 2023. 

Pls. find the details job ad via the following link:


An Ethnographic Encounter With “White” AI

An Ethnographic Encounter With “White” AI

Christina Kefala published an online article on the American Ethnologists website titled "An Ethnographic Encounter With "White" AI" on November 26, 2022.


Roundtable discussion: Beyond Poison: Shifting Landscapes of Whiteness and White Supremacy

Dr. Shanshan Lan participated in a  roundtable discussion as a panelist in a Late-Breaking virtual session for the 2022 AAA Annual Meeting, Unsettling Landscapes on November 9 2022. The title of her presentation is: The transnational circulation of whiteness in China’s ELT industry.

International Workshop (1-2 December 2022)

International Workshop (1-2 December 2022)

Researching Whiteness in a Transnational Pandemic Context

Organisers: the ChinaWhite research team (, Department of Anthropology/AISSR, University of Amsterdam

Location: REC B 5.12

With the rise of Asian economies, more and more white westerners are moving to Asia to look for business and job opportunities. The outbreak of Covid-19 in China in early 2020 and its development into a global pandemic not only posed challenges to transnational mobility for various groups of migrants, but significantly restricted onsite research activities. It pushes us to ask new questions addressing the intersection of race, class, gender, nationality, language, and other demarcations of social inequalities, which have been both highlighted and contested by the global spread of Covid-19.

New online bibliography compiled by ChinaWhite Phds Christina Kefala, Raviv Litman and Ke Ma

The ChinaWhite phds have compiled an online bibliography, which includes entries such as "race in English language teaching," "race in visual cultures," and "race in business and entrepreneurship." It also contains hyperlinks to useful online resources regarding the theme of race, migration and mobility. Please click HERE to access the bibliography.

Podcast on rural Chinese students in South Korea, privileges and precariousness among white foreign English teachers in China

Podcast on rural Chinese students in South Korea, privileges and precariousness among white foreign English teachers in China

Dr. Shanshan Lan had an interview with Network for Research into Chinese Education Mobilities on her two recent publications: one about rural-origin Chinese students in South Korea, the other on privileges and precariousness among white English teachers in China. Listen to the podcast by clicking here.

Why Young Chinese Are Turning Their Backs on Western Brands

Why Young Chinese Are Turning Their Backs on Western Brands

Christina Kefala wrote a magazine article for Sixth Tone on January 20, 2021. The article is about young Chinese consumers and why they prefer to consume Chinese fashion items and products from local businesses and brands instead of western ones. 

How China’s New Ed-Tech Regulations Put Filipino Teachers in a Bind

Raviv Litman wrote a magazine article for Sixth Tone on August 26, 2021. The article is about the Filipino teachers who were experiencing a higher degree of job insecurity because of new education technology regulations in China.